
DN15-50mm, threads end
DN50-500, Flanged end
Home Products
【Product Name】Coupling nut from DN15 to DN50
【Product introduction】
  Our company can provide various types of coupling nut from DN15 to DN50
【Product Name】Gasket from DN15 to DN50
【Product introduction】
  Our company can provide the gaskets from DN15 to DN50 for cold water and hot water
【Product Name】Non-return valve from DN15 to DN50
【Product introduction】
  Our company can provide various types of Non-return valve from DN15 to DN50
【Product Name】Coupling pipe from DN15 to DN50
【Product introduction】
  Our company can provide various types of coupling pipe from DN15 to DN50
【Product Name】DS04TAR-15~50E (cold water)
【Product introduction】
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  All rights reserved: Lianyungang Lianli Water Meter Co.,Ltd. Tel: 0086-518-82341113 Fax: 0086-518-82340789
Add: Lianyungang economic and technological development zone, jiangsu, china
P.C: 222047 E-mail : lianli@lianliwm.com Support: Sooba.cn 
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