
DN15-50mm, threads end
DN50-500, Flanged end
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【Product Name】WIV/LA-80~250E (with pulser)
【Product introduction】
  This type of water meter also can be used for a remote reading transmission system as equipped with a built-in sensor.
【Product Name】RA99TRP (cold water)
【Product introduction】
  RA99TRP is a multijet meter for cold water which can be used and read with any type of water even if it is extremely hard, scaling or contains suspended particles.
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  All rights reserved: Lianyungang Lianli Water Meter Co.,Ltd. Tel: 0086-518-82341113 Fax: 0086-518-82340789
Add: Lianyungang economic and technological development zone, jiangsu, china
P.C: 222047 E-mail : lianli@lianliwm.com Support: Sooba.cn 
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